Monday, April 11, 2016

"Burnin' Love"

Showing some love to our soy candles

The lecture begins...

By now you're probably thinking, "Why is this chick always telling us how to use all this stuff?". I know. It's probably the mom in me. No piece of advice must go ungiven. Sorry. It's in the mom rule-book. Can't go breakin' those rules.

Mom-rules aside, the real reason for all this lecturing is that I simply detest the idea of someone purchasing my soaps and candles and not getting every single ounce of use out of them. Truth is, handcrafted products aren't cheap. I'm not afraid to say it. Their price reflects all of the quality ingredients, love and attention put into making them the best that they can be. But it still represents part of your budget and I think you should get every penny's-worth.

So, now I'm going to lecture you on proper candle burning. Feel free to take the teenager approach and ignore it. ...*Sigh* just won't understand until you have kids of your own...or something like that...

Soy Wax: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

The Good

The soy wax used in our candles is all-natural, sustainable and renewable. It's grown in the USA and certified kosher. And as if that isn't good enough, soy wax is also a clean-burning and carbon neutral fuel source. And better still: it's a slower and cooler burning fuel source, allowing for a 30-50% longer burn-time ounce for ounce.

Wood wicks are sustainably sourced and certified organic

Another delightful feature of Horsethief Canyon soy candles: wood wicks. Our wicks are certified organic, responsibly grown in the USA and fully renewable. They also crackle when they burn. And that's just awesome.

The Bad (kind of)

It's true. Cooler-burning soy wax can be slower to release it's scent. But, it's hard to really consider this a bad thing. Instead of overwhelming a space with intense fragrance, it creates a pleasant ambiance. For those who don't necessarily consider themselves "candle people" this effect is a welcomed way to bring your favorite scent into a room without overwhelming it. For those who are used to the immediate and intense scent provided by a paraffin candle, it's just helpful to remember that it can take a little longer for a soy candle to get up to speed.

The Ugly

Alright. There's no denying it. "Frosting" is ugly. No, not the kind you eat on a cake (or on a spoon, or a cookie, or your judgment). That kind of frosting is sweet, beautiful and shall never be spoken ill of. No, here we are talking about the frosting of soy wax after burning. This refers to the mottled and rough texture that can result on the top of soy candles after burning.

Frosting...not the good kind.

The good thing about frosting is that it is completely harmless and has no effect on the burn of the candle. In fact, it's a tell-tale sign that you've purchased an authentic soy candle (rather than a candle made with other less-natural fuel sources). Still, it is very, very ugly.

So, now what?

Now that you know about soy candles, here are a few suggestions for getting the most bang for your buck:

1. Wicks should always be trimmed to about ¼”above wax when lighting. For wood wicks, simply break-off some of the blackened part of the wick before burning subsequent times (being careful not to break-off too much). Obviously, only trim wicks when cool enough to handle without risk of burning yourself.

Simply break-off some of the burned wood wick (when cool, of course)

2. To avoid “tunneling” and wasted wax, always plan to allow enough burn time for candle to establish a full melt-pool. A full melt-pool is achieved when the melted wax reaches all the way to the walls of the vessel and is approximately ½” deep. This typically takes about 1 hour per inch of diameter (about 2½ +/-hours for our candles), though this time may vary.

Establishing a full melt-pool ensures a more even burn and less wasted wax

Failure to establish a full melt-pool will often result in "tunneling" (pick below) or wax hang-up on the walls of the jars. Both of these things will cause an inefficient burn and wasted wax (limiting the burn-time on your awesome candles.

The result of not establishing full melt-pool.

3. A single-wicked, 8oz candle can only do so much in the scent department. If you find the scent is not strong enough while burning, the room may just be too large for the size of the candle. If you're trying to scent a larger room, two of the same candle will usually do the job just right. Otherwise, enjoy your candles in smaller rooms.

4. It is a good practice to keep the lid on the candle while not in use. This will keep the scent stronger and the wax from discoloration. Of course, it goes without saying that these lids should NEVER be placed on candle while burning or while wax is still hot. 'Cause, ya know, that might catch on fire.

And now for the common sense warning...

Part of making sure you get the most out of your candles is making sure you don't burn your house down while burning one. The is the "Don't drive over the speed limit and make sure you call me when you get there", part of the lecture. You most certainly already know this stuff, but it's important enough to repeat.

1. Always burn candles within sight.
2. Keep away from drafts and vibrations.
3. Keep out of reach of children and pets. No one needs a cat with its tail on fire.   
4. Never burn candle near anything that may catch fire. Duh.  
5. Do not use if container becomes damaged.
6. Glass container can become very hot and caution should be taken to avoid injury. So, don't touch it.
7. Discontinue use when ½” of wax remains.
8. Keep candle free of any foreign materials including matches and wick trimmings.
9. Only burn candle on a level, fire resistant surface.
10. Do not burn candle for more than 4 hours at a time.

Most importantly: Never leave candle unattended!

So now you know.

And knowing is half the battle.

Ok. You probably already knew at least most of that. But if you learned just one thing that will help you get more enjoyment from your new soy candle, then that's a good thing. If you feel like you've just spent the last 10 minutes listening to your mom tell you what to do...yeah...sorry 'bout that. It's only 'cause I love you.


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